When is Hormone Replacement Therapy the Best Solution for Your Menopause Symptoms?

At Optimized Wellness in Centennial, Colorado, our certified hormone specialists have experienced enormous success in treatin

Most women have heard the symptoms menopause will bring. They’re told they’ll be moody, have a constant need for a fan pointed in their direction during hot flashes, and can even soak through their nightgown with sweat. But did you know that menopause can cause you to have uncontrollable weight gain, cause your libido to become non-existent, and make you feel so tired you can barely make it through each day?

At Optimized Wellness in Centennial, Colorado, our certified hormone specialists have experienced enormous success in treating these and other menopause symptoms with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Once your hormone levels are restored, you’ll be able to live your life again.

Menopause basics

Menopause signals the end of female fertility, as your ovaries produce less and less estrogen and progesterone. In the United States, menopause usually hits at around age 52 unless you’ve had a total hysterectomy or other surgery requiring the removal of your ovaries. 

Symptoms of menopause include:

Hormone depletion can also cause loss of bone density, leading to osteoporosis and a higher chance of bone breakage. In addition, your chances of heart disease go up after menopause, as your declining estrogen levels raise your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Bioidentical HRT 

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) helps replace depleted hormones with new ones that have the same molecular structure. Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural plant sources and are functionally identical to your own hormones. This means they have a lower incidence of side effects.

How the hormones are delivered also affects your wellbeing. At Optimize Wellness, we provide BioTE® hormone pellet therapy. This ensures that your body has a steady supply of hormones released slowly over several months. The slow-release method of pellet hormone therapy means you don't get a huge dump of hormones into your system followed by a rollercoaster dive as they wear off. 

You will probably feel better and notice some menopause symptoms subsiding in just two to three weeks. At around the six-month mark, the hormones in your body will reach optimal levels. You'll return for your hormone therapy treatment every few months to keep your levels even. 

If you’re menopausal and are ready to discover what BHRT can do for you, call our office at 303-542-7202, or use the convenient online tool to request an appointment today.

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