Noninvasive Treatments for Knee Pain

With every step you take, your knees bear your entire body weight and then some. If you’re at an ideal weight, add on half again that amount and that’s how much pressure is applied to your knee joints. But if you’re packing 10, 20, or more pounds over what you should, multiply each pound by four and you’ll get an idea of the duress your knees are under. 

Knee pain among Americans is on the rise, and obesity isn’t the only culprit. Other variables also affect your knee joints, like osteoarthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, and various tears, wear, sprains, and strains. But short of surgery and other invasive procedures, what can you do about this debilitating condition so you can get on with your life? 

At Optimized Wellness, located in Centennial, Colorado, we specialize in managing your pain without invasive techniques. Led by Amy Maron-Martinez, ARNP, our team thoroughly examines your knee, delves into your health history, listens to your unique journey with pain, and develops a clinically based, effective treatment plan to get you out of pain and back on the move. Here’s what you (and we) can do for your knee pain.

It all starts on the scale

Because being overweight is one of the primary sources of knee pain, and also the thing that can make your knee pain worse no matter what’s causing it, it’s the place to start. Plus, carrying around too much weight puts you at risk for many other health complications like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, sleep issues, and sexual disorders. So, it’s smart to shed those extra pounds for a lot of reasons.

We can help you develop a sensible weight-loss plan that takes into account your lifestyle, your health, and your knees. 

Movement is key

When your knees hurt, the last thing you want to do is exercise. We get it. But it may be the very thing that brings you relief. We’re not talking about extreme weightlifting or deep squats, but gentle stretches, yoga, swimming, and other low-impact activities can do wonders.

And you don’t have to figure it out alone. We’re here to make sure you’re choosing safe and effective exercises that are therapeutic and not harmful.

A little support

Depending on the underlying cause of your knee pain, odds are it will heal on its own if given the chance. That’s what a brace can do. If you’ve sprained or strained your knee, a brace can keep it stable as it heals.

Quell the swelling

Inflammation is a critical part of the immediate healing process when an injury occurs, but when it hangs around for days, weeks, or months, it becomes a source of pain in and of itself.

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are great for reducing swelling. The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is another simple, but effective, at-home treatment.

Next-level pain relief

When you’ve tried these conservative approaches and still can’t get your pain and inflammation under control, we can. We specialize in two therapies that help relieve your symptoms by getting to the heart of the problem — tissue damage.

These minimally invasive techniques require an injection, but no surgery. Prolozone therapy uses ozone gases and other healing ingredients to stimulate cell growth, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) uses a concentrated serum derived from your own blood to heal and regenerate damaged tissues. We often use them together for optimal results, including dramatic reduction or elimination of pain and inflammation and faster healing.

If your knees are in pain and nothing seems to work, give us a call today to schedule an appointment with Amy Maron-Martinez, or book a consultation online.

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